Thursday 20 November 2008


Right. This is the 'soppy' section, so get out the tissues or stop reading if you're a well hard builder or something.

Grace is my girlfriend, and my best friend. In the time that I've known her she's surprised me, shocked me, made me laugh, and dare I say it made me angry on a couple of occasions. All the ingredients of a healthy normal relationship.

We've been together as a 'couple' (whatever that means) for just over four months, although we were seeing each other for quite a while before we made the committment (lol). Coming off the wave of a particularly difficult break up (on my part) after a previous very long term relationship, I was still struggling until I met Grace in the pub where she works (how romantic). And (cliche alert) in the weeks that followed she made me realise what the good things in life were like all over again. All the simple things, holding hands, the first kiss, and watching 'Stardust' with a tub of Cookie Dough ice cream. She makes me feel 14 all over again, and I still get the butterflies when I see her (ok that's enough I'm embarrasing myself).

So thank you Gracie, you are my all, and I love you.

Loz *nods* out.

P.S, This is a song I wrote when we first started dating. I hope you like it.

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