Tuesday 25 November 2008

Generation Game...

Ok, so as people who know me are aware, I am at University. People say you should go to university not only to study, but for the experience. It has certainly enlightened me. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it. I have some great friends, I enjoy the course and the city of Lincoln is amazing.


When I decided to leave home and go to university, a big part of me wanted to mature and experience life away from family and home. In other words, to grow up. This is what (almost) every student wants from university; to be seen as able to cope with everyday things on their own without adult superiority. Hence my assumption that the people who are paying over £3,000 a year to learn would be willing, nay eager, to do just that. So why then, do the vast majority of students decide that a lack of 'authority' gives them an excuse to act like small children? The first chance given to prove maturity levels in actual fact proved how immature most people are. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a laugh as much as the next guy; going out, drinking too much and making a fool of myself is the mark of a good night, but even so I like to think I do it in moderation, and only as much as my parents did when they were my age. What I don't do is decide that a lack of 'supervision' allows me to do things I wouldn't do if I were at home. Like:

Set the fire alarm off.
Scream in the Hallways.
Invite the football team back and throw a party at 4 am.
Kick glass bottles down the stairs.
Hammer on peoples' doors at 4 am.
Play loud music upon arrival back at the flat after a night out.

Things like this are the reason that I oversleep and miss lectures. And it gives the 'adults' a reason not to trust us, and I say 'us' because unfortunately a small group tarnish the rest of us, who actually are here to mature and learn, with the same brush. And what worries me most of all is the fact that the people who do this are our future lawyers, doctors, teachers and politicians.

So I say this. If you do want to be seen as able to handle yourself and as 'acting your age', then grow up, and act responsibly. Maybe then the bad press on students would cease to exist and people would view us as established and valued members of society instead of drunken wasters who are using public tax money to pay for cigarettes and alcohol.

Oh and the next time I'm woken up at 3 am because some idiot has decided it would be funny to set the fire alarm off, then I'm going to put it forward to the student union that we organise a public stoning and/or rotten fruit throwing contest.

Thank you for reading.

P.S, I realise the olny people who read this will be in fact like me, and not the people it is written about. Sorry.

Friday 21 November 2008

Meet the Man behind the Words...

Well seeing as though I'm writing some stuff about some stuff, and I'm up at half 7 due to my new found insomnia, I thought I'd write a little about myself. I am, for lack of a better term, a bit of a geek. I don't like football. I don't like hip hop or RnB. And I don't feel the need to imasculate and belittle my friends in order to make myself feel bigger.

Here are some of the things I do like.

Playing the guitar.
My Dog.
Being Outside.
Rugby Union.

There are many, many more things that I could add to that list, but that would be boring, and I would have nothing more to write about. Some of the things there are quite diverse, but that leads for a more interesting life. I think anyway.

Right, I should try go get some sleep, I'm a Student who's willingly up at 7.30. That's just not natural.

Peace out

Thursday 20 November 2008

Dear BBC...

For the past couple of weeks, I've been developing an Obsession. It started a good few months ago actually, when a good friend of mine introduced me to Karl Pilkington. Now, another good friend and subsequent blogger, Alex, has already written a blog about Karl, so I won't do another. For the short facts though, here goes. Karl Pilkington is an unwilling celebrity who found fame (or rather fame found him) when he became the unlikely star of 'The Ricky Gervais Show' podcasts, hosted by himself, Ricky Gervais, and Steven Merchant. He is, in all fairness, an Idiot.

However, these shows have given me an ambition, nay, an Obsession.

I now love the radio. I study it at university, I am almost involved in my Local radio at Uni, and Grace has (kind of) got me a part in my other local radio station at home. All I can think about is the radio. I want to be on it. No watershed. No dressing to please. And most of all, people can acess it from where ever they are, at any time.

So please, if you're reading Mr. BBC man, please give me a job on the radio. And if not, watch this space...

This is Laurence Whitaker reporting for Radio One...(I wish)


Right. This is the 'soppy' section, so get out the tissues or stop reading if you're a well hard builder or something.

Grace is my girlfriend, and my best friend. In the time that I've known her she's surprised me, shocked me, made me laugh, and dare I say it made me angry on a couple of occasions. All the ingredients of a healthy normal relationship.

We've been together as a 'couple' (whatever that means) for just over four months, although we were seeing each other for quite a while before we made the committment (lol). Coming off the wave of a particularly difficult break up (on my part) after a previous very long term relationship, I was still struggling until I met Grace in the pub where she works (how romantic). And (cliche alert) in the weeks that followed she made me realise what the good things in life were like all over again. All the simple things, holding hands, the first kiss, and watching 'Stardust' with a tub of Cookie Dough ice cream. She makes me feel 14 all over again, and I still get the butterflies when I see her (ok that's enough I'm embarrasing myself).

So thank you Gracie, you are my all, and I love you.

Loz *nods* out.

P.S, This is a song I wrote when we first started dating. I hope you like it.


Well. Everyone is blogging nowadays, so the chances are nobody is going to read this. Until I become famous (!) in which case nerdy followers who watch extra features on DVDs will discover them and take everything the wrong way and post false information on whitipedia (which will be made by said nerds).

I'm not sure what to put here, and to be quite honest its a very spur of the moment thing to do, and even then only because a friend of mine started his a couple of days ago. So you could say I'm jumping on the preverbial band wagon and following the crowd. Anyway, I'm gonna try and write one at least once a week, so at least I have a recollection of what I've been up to over the years.

With regards to myself, I am Laurence Whitaker, from Keighley, which is near Leeds in West Yorkshire, and I am at the University of Lincoln studying Media Production. And thats about it.

So if you are reading this (yeah, right), then thank you, and I hope you would want to read more. I'll be back next week all being well, and I'll put more effort into it (...)
