Sunday 7 December 2008

Essay writing...

Well christmas is nearly here. Which means a load of work for me. This is me attempting to write an essay in the library, with Alex next to me saying 'go on, blog... do it'. Thanks Alex.

Here's the question:

Using an example of a recent news story, discuss the ways in which it has been mediated for broadcast or publication.

Fun eh?

Needless to say, I'm struggling. If I could apply myself I would breeze it. But that's the problem. I get distracted. Very easily. The fact I'm here doing this shows it. 1500 words. That's two 750's. That's two 375's. 375 words for 4 days. How hard can that be. And yet here I am. This inability to do work stems from an early age. Revision for exams in school was impossible. I would ALWAYS end up doing something else. Playing guitar. Playing Xbox. Counting the hairs on my leg. The usual. Maybe it's something I need to work on. Or maybe I'm doomed to a life of late nights and rushed assignments fuelled by caffeine and a stubborn will.

Whatever the case, I can rest assured that writing this has allowed me to procrastinate for another five minutes.

That's all folks.


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